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Furrymaid invites you all...

This is an opportunity for me to show you what the world looks like from where I am standing.
I am not a prissy thing, nor a pervert; just merely observing this subordinate condition we call life.
Watch this space if you have an interest in my creative ventures; some of which you may find sublime and others ridiculous...
But is it not the peculiarities of life that forms our individualities and enables us, the drones a higher state of being?
Welcome to my world...

Do check out my older posts and please feel free to comment@

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Furrymade @ Furrymaid

Furrymade @ Furrymaid
All Rights belong to FurryMade UK, 2010


Monday 8 February 2010

Sea Horses

The Anthropomorphic Doll

What is 'furry'?

'Furry' means different things to different people. Succinctly, it's the fusion of the animal and 'sentient human' forms, and can range from 'funny cartoon animals' to 'sentient animal creatures' to 'walking cat-people'.

Saint or Sinner